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Grammar Workshop for Managers

Are you confounded by commas? Perplexed about pronoun forms such as “me,” “myself,” and “I”? Tired of arguing with colleagues about which words can or cannot begin or end a sentence? This grammar workshop provides executives with solutions to persistent challenges in grammar, punctuation, and word choice. Greater confidence about the details leads to improved precision, control, and authority in written communications. Questions are always welcome in class. 

  • Target Audience: Managers who want to improve their grasp of grammar and enhance the effectiveness and professionalism of their written communications
  • Format: In-person or remote
  • Length: 1 to 3 hours for in-person training, 60 to 90 minutes for remote training
  • BookEssential Grammar for Business: The Foundation of Good Writing or Rebel with a Clause: Tales & Tips from a Roving Grammarian by instructor Ellen Jovin